Important Updates for the Spring!

Hello Brothers!

New semester! More Kappa! This email contains important updates and reminders, so please read all the way to the end.

First Meeting:

  • Our first meeting will be Sunday, January 21st at 6pm-7:30pm in Hellems 211 (same room as last semester).
  • The first MEP will be immediately before at 4:30pm
  • All other meetings and MEPs are already in the calendar; it’s your responsibility to know when they are if you do not use the Kappa Google calendar.


  • Reminder, we have two types of committees now: Core and Fluid
  • Core committees are the chair committees (Music, Service, and Brotherhood)
    • New members/Membership Candidates must spend their first full semester as an active member of one of the core committees as these will be the most involved and representative of Kappa.
  • Fluid committees are on an as needed basis; if you’d like to create a fluid committee, see below.
    • To create a fluid committee both executive and general body members must present to exec. the purpose of the committee and why it is needed.
      • In the case of a general body member they must also submit the names of at least two brothers willing to join their committee.
      • General body members that become committee leaders must attend the executive meetings.
      • A rough start and stop date for the proposed fluid committee must be presented
    • Run for as long as needed. Not required to meet weekly.
  • Choosing a committee:
    • Members must choose and commit to a committee by the second general body meeting of the semester. This gives them two weeks to explore the different committees and choose.
    • If a fluid committee adjourns before the semester ends, members must then join another committee if they are already not a part of another one. I.e. at no point in time can a member be on zero committees.
    • Committee chairs will report to the executive board the members of their committee.

Reminder of New Attendance Policy

  • All active members of Kappa are required to join at least one committee a semester, but are encouraged to join as many as they are interested and willing to commit to. Members must be committed to their chosen committee for the entirety of the semester. New members must spend their first semester in one of the three core committees.
  • Attendance at committees will be taken but not punitive. Members should be self motivated enough to attend. Members will get out what they put in. Each committee may set their own attendance policy which may or may not be punitive.
  • Involvement in committees will be taken into consideration when deciding, elections, and active status.
  • 75% attendance at general meetings – max. 2 meeting absences (Skypes allowed and do not count against your absence count)
    • Absences must be reported to Kristina, whether they are excused or not – this is simply for the courtesy and respect of your fellow brothers
    • Excused absences include: musical performances, school requirements (homework does not count – this includes practicing if you are a music major), hospitalization, funerals, scholarship commitments, possible others on a case-by-case basis. REMEMBER: I can’t excuse you if you don’t tell me you’ll be gone; it’s on you to communicate.
    • Things that will not be excused: weddings (you should know about these ahead of time and should plan your absences accordingly), sick days (you can Skype in from home), homework, review sessions, possible others on a case-by-case basis.
    • Exceeding 2 unexcused absences from general meetings may result in probationary status.
  • If you have questions about attendance, please please please ask. Better to ask then get accidentally penalized due to a miscommunication.


The Kappa calendar is more or less updated with meetings, events, and the basketball band schedule. There is a LOT! Something almost every week. Some things are still tentative, but final dates will hopefully be decided on by the next executive meeting, so hang tight on those. Other events that need to be on your radar are:

February 3rd (Saturday): PUT THIS ON YOUR CALENDAR NOW! We will be having a meeting, MEP, and (fingers crossed) 1st Degree on this Saturday because the 4th is Super Bowl Sunday. We figured it would be easier to move everything to another day than to risk absences and/or scheduling conflicts.

February 16th-17th (Friday – Saturday): MWD District Day at Colorado School of Mines! This is an awesome opportunity that everyone should make a great effort to go to – especially if you’ve never traveled to a district event before. The cost will be zero as it is just up the road in Golden! You will get so so so so so so so much out of it – Kappa-wise and otherwise.

February 23rd-24th (Friday – Saturday): CU Honor Band Weekend (run by service committee, but everyone is required to volunteer to help pull it off)

February 25th (Sunday): Second Degree with MEP before

February 26-27th (Monday-Tuesday): One of National’s Chapter Field Representatives (CFR) – Alaina Peters – will be in Boulder to visit our chapter (hopefully she’ll make it in time for degree the day before as well). This is not an “inspection” and she is not the “fraternity police”, it just a routine visit and an opportunity for us to ask her any questions we may have. The visit will consist of the CFR meeting with all officers and the Director of Bands and Chapter Sponsor as well as a meet and greet with all of you! So please try and block out time on your calendar for Monday, Feb. 26th at 6:30pm-7:30 pm to do so. More details do come, just make sure it’s on your radar. For more information go here:

March 11th (Sunday): Third Degree with MEP before

April 6th-8th (Friday-Sunday): Midwest District Convention!! Gonna be a blast. Location: Springfield, Missouri. Details to come.

April 21st (Saturday): “Yard Party” with the Xi Chapter at Colorado School of Mines, details to come

Other events with dates that are TBD: Recital, retreat, conducting clinic – see calendar for tentative options.

General Housekeeping:

Inactive Status: If for whatever reason you or someone you know are considering not continuing with Kappa this semester, you need to let us know. You don’t necessarily have to explain why, but the courtesy of information is much appreciated. Remember, if you haven’t finished paying off your dues, but are going inactive, you will still be responsible for paying off that debt as the chapter has already paid that money on your behalf.

Conditional Status: Conditional letters will be due February 3rd. Letter should explain why you are seeking conditional status and what you plan to do for the chapter in your absence. Writing a letter does not guarantee you conditional status as it will need to be approved by the chapter and Dr. Roeder. You are still responsible for paying dues while you are conditional.

Overall membership requirements: I’m tired of typing so if you’d like to see a concise list of the membership requirements, you can find them on the website here.

Phew! I think that’s all the big stuff! See you all on Sunday!


Kristina Lu

President of the Alpha Iota Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi