Mini’s March 20th

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a lovely and relaxing spring break! Thank you all for your time spent filling out and reflecting on the Mid Semester Check In!

Exec Minutes

Chapter Minutes

  • Byron and Lexi for digitization, and Byron for coming to exec
  • Everyone who came to see Batman!
  • Everyone who filled out mid semester check in
  • Anika for giving lexi a ride
  • All of us for making it to spring break
  • Adam for making a suggestions channel
  • Remind Jeremy if you are graduating this semester or next semester so you can get Kappa cords! 
  • Next meeting is nominations, SUPER important
  • Add your songs to the District Convention playlist if you’re going!


  • Last MEP april 10th – present portfolio projects


  • Haven’t done much since band and going to the hospital ://
  • After spring break – meeting for band library organization


  • Motomaki March 29th, 4-9 pm


  • Repsital april 16th noon-12 S134
  • Conducting clinic april 9th


  • Vote on May 7th for Retreat in the brotherhood channel!
Okay this is what comes up when you type “retreat” into giphy and I couldn’t resist 😂


  • Congrats to everyone for 3rd degree!!
  • Recording ritual music in april


  • Board finished last friday!
  • Awards finished and scrapbook received
  • Digitizations will continue for the rest of the semester – great way to get hours
Us receiving our (inevitable) awards at District Convention 😉

Next, we went over the Mid Semester Check In. I won’t put everything here, so check out the full minutes for more details and discussion, and read on for some important caveats!

  • Please reach out to brothers if you need ANY support!
  • PLEASE send suggestions if you have ideas on how to improve hour requirements!
  • Committee heads need to improve communication and structure. Meetings will be put in kappa calendar.
    • We talked about having designated committee meeting times to help improve the structure
  • Outside meetings: 
    • “Ask for applause not permission” – Anna 
    • Discord categories was discussed heavily and it looks like there is a subcommittee forming to help with Discord stuff!!
    • Mental health sub committee!!
Us reacting to the formation of new committees 💕
  • Exec:
    • More balance between committee meetings and reports
    • More delegation
  • Relationship to bands
    • Attend concerts as groups!

Closing Announcements

  • Next meeting (NOMINATIONS) in 2 weeks, April 3rd
  • Reach out to current exec if you are interested for running for positions
  • Have a wonderful and relaxing break, thank you SO MUCH for being here!
  • Alto sectional pleaseeee
  • Sign up for reception

As the semester end starts to come into view, I hope you all are surviving okay! Please reach out if you need any support at all!



check out the #random channel for context lmao

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