Mini Minutes 11/21

Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your break and relaxing a bit. Thank you to everyone who came to our meeting on Sunday despite its unfortunate timing, and if you couldn’t make it, no worries! Read on for some updates.

Exec Minutes

Chapter Minutes

  • The chapter for helping with band banquet!
  • Tycho for everything he did with banquet!
  • The buffs for winning!
  • The gbmb!
  • Nick, Lexie, Jovani, Jeremy, Curtis for all helping with conducting clinic!
  • Chandler for the slideshow!
  • Anna for recruitment!
  • Everyone who helped with the shirt fundraiser!
  • Mo and Sammy for coming with Anna to get pizookies!
  • Everyone who came to recruitment events!
  • Everyone coming to digitizations!
  • Curtis for ordering banquet supplies!
  • Thank you for being here!
  • Holiday fest signups – need some people to help out with unloading refreshments
  • Signups for uniform check-in going out after this meeting (Monday the 29th)
  • 3rd degree is Dec 5th after the chapter meeting. The Xi chapter is invited as well!
  • MC interviews
    • Because of Nationals interviews are pushed back to the week we come back from break 

This week, we presented Officer Reports instead of Committee Reports. If you are interested in reading any of these, they are linked in the full Chapter Minutes.

Next, we did Music and Brotherhood Chair nominations. Look out for an email if you were nominated, and we will have Elections at our next (and final) meeting!

Closing Announcements

  • Thank you all for making the chapter what it is now! You are all greatly appreciated.
  • Have a fantastic break and safe travels!
  • Reach out if you wanna chat!

“NICE!!” – Jeremy Salgado 2021

Have a wonderful break everyone! I will see you all December 5th for our last meeting.



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