Mini – Minutes 4/14/19

We only have 3 more weeks!!! Ahhhhhh!!! Know that I am also stressed. But we can do this! I believe in you. Thank you to everybody that came to the meeting yesterday! I know it was long but definitely needed. Things to keep on your PsRadar: RePsital is 4/27, 7:30p at St. Aidan’s Church! Portfolio Projects are due the 28th! Dr. D, our new Chapter Sponsor, spoke to us! If you were nominated for a position, expect an email from Spencer! Congrats to part of our new exec team! Keep pushing to the end! Never give up, never surrender!

sigourney weaver GIF

One of my favorite movies

As always, you can read the full minutes here:

4/13 Exec Meeting

4/14 Chapter Meeting


  • Shoutout to Kaitlyn for running Conducting Clinic!
  • Shoutout to all the graders for getting their scores in time!

let's go yes GIF by University of Florida

  • Shoutout to everyone that played/conducted at Conducting Clinic!
  • Shoutout to everyone that went night hiking and to the Dark Horse!

hiking GIF

  • Shoutout to literally everyone that helped with Convention!
  • Shoutout to Dylan for putting on Convention! Props!

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  • Shoutout to Boulder Public Library for saving us!
  • Shoutout to Spency for winning the Strive for the Highest Award!

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  • Shoutout to us for winning Ritual and service showcase Award!


  • Gabi could not be here due to a flight. It’s time for NatCon!
    • Due by June 15th. Register if you’re serious. Talk to Gabi
    • Exact numbers will be known by next meeting!

kkpsi natcon

  • For New Members
    • Portfolio Project due April 28th. All Actives should be there!
  • We need someone to help Reception this Wednesday! – Lauren can do it!
  • Cookies this Thursday! – Scott will help! Thank you!

thank u GIF by Amanda

  • Psnapchat Pstreak Pscontest!
    • Matt, Lauren, Spencer, Scott, and Sully won! Congrats!
  • Service Meeting. 8pm! UMC. Be there

don't be a square mia wallace GIF by The Good Films



  • Meeting tonight at 8pm! Probably at the UMC!


  • Thanks to everybody at Conducting Clinic!
  • RePsital! Sign up! 4/27 7:30p St. Aidan’s Church
    • Be there or be not there

celebrate playing music GIF by Dark Igloo


  • PsTuesday! – Chill night. Listening to music!
  • Thanks to everybody that came to Dark Horse and hiked!
    • Y’all sounded beautiful according to Dylan


  • Newly Initiated! Get Portfolio Projects done by 4/28!!!

us office presentation GIF


  • Two winners have been selected!
    • Will be announced by the doctors at the next concerts!
  • Thanks to everybody that helped and graded! Huge help!

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Dr. Dockendorf, our new Chapter Sponsor came in and spoke! Here’s the rundown. If you would like to read the full minutes, you can access them here!

  • Congratulations on a really terrific District Convention!
  • Sponsorship Transition – Apologies for abruptness
  • Looking to improve close relations with the chapter and exec board!
  • Shameless Plugs
    • Come to the Spring Game! 4/27
    • Fill out the returning member form! All of you!
    • Thanks to everybody at Conducting Clinic and Save the Bags!
friendship elephant GIF by Mashable

This is so cute

We then discussed a suggestion box comment! From my standpoint, mental health is important and should be talked about more. As our chapter grows, we would like to increase awareness and be more open around this topic!

  • Potential Exec Office Hours
  • Exec board/meetings ALWAYS open to everybody. Know that you can come and talk to any of us. Shoot us a message. Sit in on our meetings and hear what we discuss! We would love to hear any feedback, concerns, or comments you have!

mental health help GIF

Claire Wilcox gave us a fantastic speech about how the four pillars of this fraternity impact her daily life! Here’s what I took away from her words:

  • Wanted to make cupcakes, Can’t feel fingers
  • Discussion about core values of Kappa
    • Musicianship, Leadership, Service, and Brotherhood
    • Head conductor of Phantom Regiment
      • Musicianship – “Quality over quantity”, Conducting Techniques
      • Leadership/Service – “The best leaders lead from the middle of the pack”, Delegation, Less glory, Work hard
      • Brotherhood – Broken culture, Divide of members, Priority of culture
    • Change is good. Adapting to become better. Thank you Claire!!

barack obama change GIF by Obama

Then we moved to the first round of elections!!! Thank to you to everybody that served our chapter over this past year! We couldn’t have made it without you!! Here are the first half of your new exec team:

  • President – Spencer Bajcar
  • Vice President of Membership – Ryan Gomez
  • Chapter Secretary – Grace Stringfellow
  • Alumni Secretary – Owen Zukowski
  • Co-Treasurers – Ben Bouchard-Miller and Brandon Lee

Thank you to everybody that ran! I’m looking forward to a great year with you all!

you did it will ferrell GIF

Then, we took nominations for the second round of elections! If you were nominated, you will be sent an email about all the information you need! Remember to send your platform to by our next meeting if you want to run! And, contact people that have taken these positions before! (will be included in the e-mail)

Here is the list of people who accepted their nomination:

  • Historian
    • Lily, David, Sully, Jeremy, and Grace Shaver
  • Sergeant-at-Arms
    • Cat, Lucy, Eric, James, and Dartagnan
  • Music Chair
    • Jeremy, Curt, Lucy, Dartagnan, Clare, Reese, and Nathaniel
  • Service Chair
    • Colby, Lucy, Erica, Reese, and Sully
  • Brotherhood Chair
    • Jordan A, Luke, James, Reese, Grace Shaver, Eric, Chandler, Cat, Sully, Scott, and Matt

If you were nominated for a higher position and did not win, you can run down!!

well done applause GIF

Lastly, apply for our appointed positions! These are Travel Chair, Parliamentarian, and PR Chair! You will need to write an essay explaining why you want these positions and send them to or Spencer by April 26th at 11:59pm!!!

essay GIF

Closing Announcements

  • PsTuesday. It’ll be fun. We’re gonna listen to music!
  • MC Class. Get on Slack! Important info coming up!
  • Service meeting today at 8pm! In the UMC!
  • Go support your brothers at their concerts! Wednesday and Thursday!
  • Sign up for RePsital!!! – Every single newly initiated brother has to do RePsital!
    • 4/27 7:30pm St. Aidan’s Church
    • Send RePsital stuff to Grace Stringfellow! ASAP

good bye GIF



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